Task 1. Đọc lá thư mẫu. Tìm nhỏm từ trong thư diễn tả các ỷ sau.
• The opening of the letter: Dear Sir or Madam
• The amount that is donated: I am very happy to receive a donation of $500 from your company some days ago.
• How the money is used: the money will help us to repair the old school building and build a new block of flats for the handicapped students.
• How the receipt is issued: We will certainly issue a receipt as soon as possible.
• The gratitude to the donor: 1 would like to express our thanks for the donation from your company.
Trong tình yêu, chúng ta chỉ cần luyện tập điều này: buông thả người kia. Vì nắm giữ rất dễ; ta không cần phải học.
We need, in love, to practice only this: letting each other go. For holding on comes easily; we do not need to learn it.
Rainer Maria Rilke