Units 10-11
I. Listening (Nghe)
Water is very necessary to people and other living things. Without water, people, animals and plants cannot live. And if there were no plants, water would run off after it rains; and this would cause a lot of Hoods. But nature has many ways of conserving and controlling water. Water can be held on the land by planting vegetation. Forests and grass should be planted where there are no natural growths. Dams built across rivers help hold back the water. Reservoirs behind the dams store water during wet seasons for use in dry seasons. Dams help prevent floods by controlling the flow of water.
* Nghe đoạn văn về việc bảo tồn nước và điền vào chỗ trống.
1. Without water, people and other living things cannot live.
2. If there were no plants, water would run off after it rains.
3. Water can be held on the land by planting vegetation.
Con người cần ít đổ rắc rối của mình lên môi trường xung quanh, và học cách thể hiện ý chí
trách nhiệm cá nhân trong lĩnh vực niềm tin và đạo đức.
Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will
his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals.
Albert Schweitzer